John Bernardoni Quotes

“We were too stupid to know it was impossible”.

“When you find the Hope Diamond in the dirt, You clean it off. You don’t go looking for another Hope Diamond”

“If I had known it would be this much fun I’d brought more money”.

“The Paramount came alive the night we discovered the forgotten fire curtain in its entire splendor.”

“The first time I snuck in to the Paramount to see if it had a backstage, I saw Bruce Lee fans throwing chicken bones at the movie screen.  And I thought, ‘I LOVE SHOW BUSINESS!!”

“I didn’t think about failing or succeeding.  All I could see was the faint glimmer of hope very far away”.

“They don’t kill you with one bullet.  They kill you with a million pin pricks”.

“When the Paramount’s production of Dracula played the Kennedy Center for a month, it was like a local priest saying mass at St. Peters”.

“I was like a Panzer tank. You keep hitting brick walls until you break through”.

“Someone asked, ‘Did anyone try to stop you?’  Yes. Apathy’”!

“You could be standing in the lobby of a Holiday Inn had the wrecking ball had its way”.

“I went to UT when Pharaoh and Moses played ball.  Moses parted the field.  It was the first yellow flag.”